
Your Easy, Clear and Fast 6-Step System To Get Your Thyroid On Track
Dr. Kristi Vaughan, DC, BCN, IFMCP, B.S. aka “The Thyroid Doctor” brings you a 6-step system to finally get your thyroid on track.
The #1 Trick To Stop Your Thyroid From Breaking Down… without spending lots of time and money on doctor visits or supplements!
Online VCS Screening Test
Take The Visual Contrast Sensitivity APTitude Test.
This assessment helps use determine if you have been affected by mold or biotoxin illness. The online screening test is a measure of one of the neurologic functions of vision called contrast. Your corrected visual acuity must be better than 20:50. If you normally wear glasses, you should wear them for the screening test.
There must be adequate illumination. We use a light meter to confirm 70 foot-lamberts or more. Light from both the illuminated computer screen and an overhead light is usually sufficient. The test is taken with one eye covered and one open at a distance of 18” from the computer screen. You will do the test first with the left eye and then with the right eye. You need to make sure the distance from the screen stays constant at 18”. Some people have found that cutting a string to an 18“ length helps keep the distance correct.
Your score is recorded according to published criteria for VCS testing. It is a ”Pass/Fail,” though how well you do can be used to assess your improvement over time or worsening with re-exposure/repeat illness.
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At Vaughn Vitality Wellness, we promise to put you first — by treating you with respect and providing the holistic medical attention you need. Our team excels at discovering the root cause of your medical condition. Our treatment approaches can help prevent disease and, in some cases, reverse illness.