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If you can’t find the supplement on our website you are looking to purchase you can make an account in Fullscripts. Fullscripts is the safest and most convenient way to purchase professional-grade products. With a Fullscripts account you have an option to order over 300 Brands. Dr. Vaughan suggest not buying supplements at pharmacy’s, costco, or amazon because the products have common fillers that are sensitive to patients. In fullscripts most of the the products are free of these fillers, and Dr. Vaughan has her favorites saved, for you to view.

Vaughan Vitality Wellness Dispensary

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At Vaughn Vitality Wellness, we promise to put you first — by treating you with respect and providing the holistic medical attention you need. Our team excels at discovering the root cause of your medical condition. Our treatment approaches can help prevent disease and, in some cases, reverse illness.